Buying & Selling Properties - Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo

Specialist Lawyer

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Buying & Selling Properties

The Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo law firm can help expats in every step of their move to Spain — from  renting to the purchase of a home.  Often, when you first decide to move to Spain, you plan to rent initially while you get to know the area. In this case, especially if Spanish is not your first language, you need a lawyer to make sure that all the terms and conditions of the rental contract are clear and that you do not end up with a problem. Ruiz Castillo Lawyers can review your rental contract for you before you sign, translate and explain the provisions, and also come along with you to the signing of the contract, acting as translator when this takes place.

And if you decide to buy a property here in Spain, it’s even more important to have a trustworthy financial advisor and lawyer on your side, one who will take care of your needs and ascertain that the property you intend to buy is legal based on the provided paperwork on it.  Sadly, this can be an issue with some very tempting properties. Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo will determine if the property is legal or not, and whether or not there will be a problem down the road should you buy it. In addition, he will handle every step of the process — accompany you to the signing at the notary, pay the taxes for you, arrange for the necessary transfers of the money, register your property in the Land Register, and get everything ready for you that needs to be done so you can finalize the purchase of your new home.

The same applies if you should want to sell a property: he will make sure that the property that you are selling is legal (or arrange to make it legal should that be necessary), and be with you throughout the entire process of the sale.
José María Ruiz Castillo
Lawyer/accountant/financial advisor
 Specialises in International investments in Spain, property transfers, wills,accountancy, taxes and litigation.

Fluent in English, German, Spanish.
Camino de ronda, Nº 78, 1º A
Granada - Andalucia - España
+34 618 314 062

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