Spanish Nationality - Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo

Specialist Lawyer

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Spanish Nationality

Getting Your Spanish Nationality, Post-Brexit

Once you have your TIE card and have been a tax resident for a while, you might decide to opt for Spanish nationality — an excellent option if you are fully integrated in the Spanish way of life. It can be a simple process with the right professional advice, and can give you all the rights of being part of the European Union again after suffering the consequences of Brexit.

This is an area I specialize in, having dealt with many clients who have become Spanish nationality in these post-Brexit times. I can help you apply for and obtain your Spanish citizenship, and so your EU benefits.. Just contact me via the form (PUT LINK HERE), and we can start the process.
José María Ruiz Castillo
Lawyer/accountant/financial advisor
 Specialises in International investments in Spain, property transfers, wills,accountancy, taxes and litigation.

Fluent in English, German, Spanish.
Camino de ronda, Nº 78, 1º A
Granada - Andalucia - España
+34 618 314 062

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