Income Taxes - Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo

Specialist Lawyer

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Income Taxes

It can be confusing dealing with taxes in Spain as an expat. Whether you’re a former UK resident or from elsewhere in the world, the Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo law firm is ideally suited to handle all aspects of this for you.

Once you have a TIE (tarjeta de identidad de extranjero) card, you will have to present your declaracion de la renta, or income taxes. In order to do this properly, you must regularize your situation with your tax authorities, ensure that all the information about you is correct, and keep track of your tax situation — all of which Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo can do for you.
José María Ruiz Castillo
Lawyer/accountant/financial advisor
 Specialises in International investments in Spain, property transfers, wills,accountancy, taxes and litigation.

Fluent in English, German, Spanish.
Camino de ronda, Nº 78, 1º A
Granada - Andalucia - España
+34 618 314 062

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