Migration Issues - Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo

Specialist Lawyer

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Migration Issues

In the past, Spanish residents from the UK only needed an NIE number and green card. But since Brexit, they now need a TIE (tarjeta de identidad de extranjero) card — and the transitional grace period has expired.

A TIE card is essential for all property/business transactions, as well as residing and studying in Spain. It is also needed to register children in school and to get married to a Spaniard, among other civil and social needs.

Our firm can help you get your TIE card …. in some cases, the very same day you apply. You do not need to be present, so no need to wait for appointments and spend time on lengthy visits to the inefficient immigration office. We offer fast digital processing — saving you a great deal of time, and avoiding headaches and expensive mistakes.

We are here to make your life in Spain enjoyable!
José María Ruiz Castillo
Lawyer/accountant/financial advisor
 Specialises in International investments in Spain, property transfers, wills,accountancy, taxes and litigation.

Fluent in English, German, Spanish.
Camino de ronda, Nº 78, 1º A
Granada - Andalucia - España
+34 618 314 062

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