Tax & Social Security - Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo

Specialist Lawyer

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Taxes & Social Security for the Self-Employed

As a Spanish resident, you are fully entitled to work here as a freelance or automono. To do this, you need to be registered in the Social Security and tax office. Once this is done, you need to file quarterly tax returns, year-end summaries, and the annual tax return, or declaración de la renta.

Jose Maria Ruiz Castillo handles this service for clients all over Spain, and can do this for you as well. He will explain the process and develop a workflow plan with you so you will have nothing to worry about. You can just concentrate on your work;  he will take care of the rest!
José María Ruiz Castillo
Lawyer/accountant/financial advisor
 Specialises in International investments in Spain, property transfers, wills,accountancy, taxes and litigation.

Fluent in English, German, Spanish.
Camino de ronda, Nº 78, 1º A
Granada - Andalucia - España
+34 618 314 062

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